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With the rapid growth of the gaming industry, esports has emerged as one of the most popular


With the rapid growth of the gaming industry, esports has emerged as one of the most popular and fast-growing fields in the world. Electronic sports or esports is an umbrella term covering multiple video games with competitive gameplay. It has its own terminology and language that gamers use. In this article, we will discuss some of the essential esports terms and vocabulary for beginners.

Gameplay Terms

Every esports game has its unique gameplay and its specific terms. Here are some of the most common ones:

Kill/frag: When a player eliminates an opponent in the game.

Objective: A task or a goal that players must complete to win the game.

Map: A virtual playing field where the game takes place.

Respawn: When a player dies, he or she will respawn or reappear in a specific location on the map.

Health: The amount of health points a player has before they die.

Mana: A resource that players use to execute specific abilities in the game.

Creeps/Minions: Small non-playable characters that spawn in the game and attack the players.

Gank: When a group of players ambush another player in the game.

GG: An abbreviation of "good game." Players use it to congratulate each other after a match.

Roles and Positions

Esports games usually have specific roles and positions assigned to the players. Here are some of the most common ones:

Caster/Commentator: A person who provides live commentary for an esports event or match.

Carry: A player who has strong offensive abilities and is responsible for dealing most of the damage to the opponents.

Support: A player who assists their teammates and provides healing or protective abilities.

Tank: A player with high health and defense that acts as a shield for their teammates.

Midlaner: A player who focuses on the central area of the game's map and helps to control it.

Jungler: A player who focuses on the jungle part of the map and takes care of it.

AD Carry: A player who specializes in dealing physical attack damage (AD) and typically focuses on the bottom lane of a map.

AP Carry: A player who specializes in dealing magic ability damage (AP) and typically focuses on the middle lane of a map.

Tournaments and Events

Esports events and tournaments have their terminology. Here are some of the most common ones:

LAN: Local Area Network events where players compete in person, often in a physical venue.

Online: Esports events where players compete remotely from their location.

Bracket: A chart that shows the matches and the players' progress in the tournament.

Group stage: The first stage in a tournament where players are divided into groups, and they compete against each other.

Playoffs: The final stage of the tournament where the top teams play against each other until only one is left standing.

Seed: A ranking system that orders teams or players according to their skill level.

Grand finals: The last match of the tournament where the top two teams compete for the championship title.

Prize pool: The amount of money that is awarded to the players who win the tournament.

LAN party: A gathering of friends or fans of the game who come together to play on a LAN network.


In conclusion, esports has its language and terminology that can be overwhelming for beginners. However, it is essential to understand these terms to communicate effectively with other players and enjoy the game to the fullest. By learning the above-mentioned esports terms, beginners can start their journey into the world of esports with confidence.